
Monday, July 1, 2013


This is not really post-op but a waring blog. I want to tell about somethings i experienced that i did not find warnings about on other blogs. Well in the begining of the process i was taking alot of pain killers and antibiotics, during this time going to the bathroom was a challenge a wasnt warned about. I would recommend that from the begining you start drinking prun juice, it helped me alot after, i had suffered alot. Another thing that also happenes during the surgery is the skin on the foot starts becoming really dry. I would recommend starting with lotion with aloe from the begining so that the skin doesnt start to peel, another thing i learned a little to late. Also my period was delayed a few days when the process started, i was under alot of pain killers, but not exactlly sure that was the cause.

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