
Wednesday, September 4, 2013


hey guys sorry for not updating in a while, i've been really busy but i'm back now. Well now i'm scheduled for removal of my fixator on september 13th which i'm so happy for, I am walking with a short cam walker, which is special boot, i'll post a picture down below. My scar is healing very well, which is also great news. I'll post some pictures of my foot below. I am so happy that i am almost done with the process and thankful to God that everything went well with no infection and little swelling which my doctor was amazed about. my foot isn't perfect but it is much better then before and i love it!!!! Also with the boot i am not wearing the top cover because it does not fit over my fixtator boot i was still able to secure my foot with out it.

Monday, July 15, 2013


hye guys sorry for not blogging in a while i have been really busy doing other stuff but i wanted to fill you guys in on how i"m doing. Well we have finally finished growing the bone, but since my metatarsal is already small (smaller then the pinky toe) it can be stretched to far because it can cause foot pain in the future or the bone poping up or even worse when i start walking it could just break, ouchhh. so it isnt regular size but it doesnt look that bad and the doctor says when she takes off the fixtator she can slide the bone 1 or 2 milimeters and stick in a small screw which should get it to regular size, hopefully!!! Now the scar is healing nicely but i i'm young so my skin heals better. I am now walking alittle with a surgical boot and crutches it was  slightly hard at first but i'm getting the hang of it. My doctor says the rule is that whatever time it took to grow the bone times 3 is how long i have to leave the fixtator on for after we are done growing. It took me 3 weeks so 9 more weeks of this fixtator on my foot :(. But i am glad my foot looks normal so ;) . Everyone is different and everyones experience is different so if your looking into having the surgery the process might be longer or shorter. Heres a pic of my left  foot now, compared to my right  foot which has yet to go through to process.

Monday, July 1, 2013


This is not really post-op but a waring blog. I want to tell about somethings i experienced that i did not find warnings about on other blogs. Well in the begining of the process i was taking alot of pain killers and antibiotics, during this time going to the bathroom was a challenge a wasnt warned about. I would recommend that from the begining you start drinking prun juice, it helped me alot after, i had suffered alot. Another thing that also happenes during the surgery is the skin on the foot starts becoming really dry. I would recommend starting with lotion with aloe from the begining so that the skin doesnt start to peel, another thing i learned a little to late. Also my period was delayed a few days when the process started, i was under alot of pain killers, but not exactlly sure that was the cause.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

4 week post-op

My 4th toe is now about the size of my pinky which is awesome news! In this picture my toe has grown about 4 millimeters. Also the toe was always up higher than the rest of the toes now the tow is starting to come down. There has been little to no pain in this past week. The turning of the bone doesnt hurt at all sometimes i feel a pulling but its not pain. My doctor had me put nailpolish on the key am turning so i could know what side it was at. It moves clockwise, 12,3,6,9,12,3,6,9. I turn it 3 times a day 1/4 each time.. In one day i normally grow 3/4 of a millimeter.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A 3 weeks into the process.

Well sadly, i had to have surgery again because one of the pins in my toe was placed incorrectly and was causing my toe to grow to the right. This picture is of my toe after i had grown it 2 milimeters. Each day you turn a key in the device that causes its to grow 1/4 of a milimeter. My doctors has me turning it 3 time a day   

First doctors visit

At my first doctors visit my doctor just changed my dressing and bandages. To my doctors surprise my foot was not that swollen and all the blood was dry meaning it was from the day of the surgery meaning my skin was healing great! This is what my foot looked liked WARNING : my foot is grusome at this point in the process. Also there was a pin in my toe to help the toe  grow straight but it was removed  before the picture was taken because my doctor felt it was not going to help.

Day of surgery

My suregery was scheduled at 10 am but i had to be there 2 hours earlier. When i arrived at the hospital i went into pre-admissions, there they asked me to give a pregency test. After i went into a different area for surgical procedures. Therew i waited in a small room where my mom helped me change into my robes. I waited in that room for about 30 minutes, until a nurse came to give me crutches and help me practic with them. After that i waited in the small room for another 30 minutes. My mom, grandma an I prayed to the Lord to have him be with the surgeon at all time and that nothing were to go wrong. God had already opened so many doors for by having the insuance cover everyhting and having a surgeon who operatates in my area we knew he would help us. At all time my family has given God glory for this surgery. After waiting i was rolled on a strecher into the room where they would insert my anesthesia. A anesthesiaologist came to instert my IV tube which is where i would get my anesthesia and then my medicine. After they insterted my anesthesia it worked very quickly and then i blacked out. When i woke up i was in the recovey room with my mom. They took some x-rays of my foot and then i slept some more. After i had fully recover i went home it was about 7:00pm. At home i put my leg up high and slept the night away.
This is what my foot looked like at the hospital: